Tuesday, 31 January 2012


We wanted to create an effect of blood on charli's hand were she has been hand cuffed, for this we used red oli paint, i had previously tried this out and thought that it looked effective. Also we created a bruised look on charli's lower arm to create the effect that she had been there for a long time. to do this we used dark brown, blue, purple and green, eye shadow, we had also previously tried this out and decided that it looked effective. We used hand cuffs that danni had to handcuff charli to the bed, we thought this gace it a more scray and thriller like look to it.

filming schedule

Sunday 21st of January
My house - most of the shooting will take place in my spare room for Charli's scenes, and also in the study area for Lukes scenes.
we will start shooting form 11 in the morning untill 2 for charli's secenes and then 2 onwards for Lukes scenes.

Sunday, 29 January 2012


these are some questions that we asked our target audience in order to gain a better understanding of what they want in their films.
Audience 1:

  1. Do you see this opening working through looking at the storyboard?
  2. What do you think is good about it?
    The opening is quite confusing as you don't know anything about the characters- why they are there, why they have been drugged and why there is a killer. This makes me curious as to why this is happening, so it makes me want to see the rest of it.
  3. What do you think is bad about it?Even though it's a good thing knowing nothing about the plot (making you want to know what is happening and why), it makes the opening quite confusing. You should make a point as to why this is happening.
Audience 2:
  1. Do you see this opening working through looking at the storyboard?Yes.
  2. What do you think is good about it?I like the cutting back each time to the black screen to show the titles- I think it's really effective as it adds a dark tone to the film.
  3. What do you think is bad about it?Perhaps add some music when they are alive- when they are killed take it away to add drama.
Audience 3:
  1. Do you see this opening working through looking at the storyboard?
    Yes- could do.
  2. What do you think is good about it?I think a positive would be good thriller content- murder and drug use.
  3. What do you think is bad about it?Maybe there is too many black screens. That cutting away from each scene could be annoying- however text against a black background would show the titles more clearly.

    Sunday, 1 January 2012

    Male Antagonist

    For the male antagonist, we all had roughly the same idea of what he would look like so it was just a case of finding someone that fitted it, we came to the conclusion that luke stanley would fit the role well because  of his height, for the whole of the opening Luke's face will not be shown as when he is on camera it is a point of view shot from Charli's prospective and that will be in soft focus. Luke will be dressed in dark clothing e.g black/navy blue jumper we are aware that this is very cliche but we hope to make our opening unique in different areas.

    Female Protagonist

    For the role of the female protagonist we decided that we wanted a girl to fit the stereo typical 'innocent and pure' character that is often used in films. We came to the conclusion that we thought Charli Moody would fit this role very well, she has medium length light blonde hair, and is quite petite. Through the makeup we use on Charli we could reenforce a pure and innocent persona, with red lips and pale skin and soft eye make up. we thought we would have her wearing a white dress to emphasize the purity further. Her clean pure clothing and make up will contrast with the room which will be dark and dirty to create an idea about the rest of the film.


    Our group came together in lesson and created a story board, this helped us with our shot list. it gave us a rough idea off what the story line would be so we could think about the kind of shots we could use to create the right effect. when we brainstormed all of our ideas we realized that it would not be simple to come up with a story line and we would have to think about it hard, we also thought about how we could incorporate props, location and actors into our idea. I think our group is making good progress overall but we need to ensure that our time is used effectively in order to meet our deadlines.