- you must not break the 180 degree rule
- you must include shot reverse shot
- you must include a variety of camera angles
- you must edit so continuity is apparent and clear
- you must include more than one location
- you must include interaction between characters
- you must include non-diegetic sound
The first thing we did was made a shot list,
this included every shot that we were going to
film. This gave us a structure and made it easy
to apply and think about all the rules which were set.

Then we made a story board, this enabled us to
gain a better understanding of what our clip
was going to be about and in what order we were
going to film it in, it also made us think about different angles we could us like a low angle shot to make the 'bully' look bigger.

After we finished planning the clip, we started filming and then producing it. By looking at our shot list and our story board it was easy to get an idea of how we wanted to do it. After we did every shot we looked back at it to see if we could make any improvements, e.g. if the camera wasn't straight or if it was shaky, or if we could just do it from a better angle, this enabled us to have a wider selection when we cam to edit it. Acting in the clip was Danni, Lauren and Ashley, while Hannah and I were filming it. However we all contributed ideas. when we were filming the clip i found a couple of thing quite difficult but most of all was trying not to break the 180 degree rule, we found ourselves always thinking about what angles would break the rule, although towards the end of the task it got easier and we understood it more. By doing this task it has made me realize how difficult filming and editing is, and has given me a better idea about what it is going to be like to do our thriller opening.
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