Monday, 16 April 2012

Music and Titles

For our opening we have found it difficult to find the right music.
we have all looked for some indivudually but found that they were all either not tense/scary enough or to horror like. our music needs to be scary yet build ths tension, preferably and single intrument like a piano, flute, violin as we have found from our research this is common in thriller films. durring my search for music i have found very up tempo music, this is not right for our opeing becuase we want it to set a dark tense atmosphere.
Durring the editing of our film we have thought about ways to make our titles more interesting, with the help of our teacher we came up with the idea to judder the words when they appear on the screen, this will add a very chilling effect to the opening, our group have seen films that include this in the title siquence and feel that it is suitable for ours too. We have thought about ways to creat this effect and have realised that it would be very time consuming, as we have left it untill quite late we are unsure weather to continue this idea. this is the film se7en which includes this effect.

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