Thursday, 22 March 2012

About our filming

A few problems have occured to do with the filming process these include trying to find a time when we can all film, this has been difficult becuase there are five of us that have to be free at the same time. After achool is hard becuase it means that we have to miss out on doing homework or coursework for other subjects while we film, and filimg is very time consuming becuase it takes a long time to get the perfect shot. We aslo found it difficult to find a time when our actors Luke and Charli were free becuase this was also taking up there time when it isnt even one of their subjects. Although we organised when we were goibng to film very well. Hannah came up with the idea of creating a facebook page where we were able to connect with eachother whenever we needed to, this made it easier to find a date when we were all free and happy to film. this also allowed us to share information and pictures with each other so we were all up to date.on top of this, we were able to ask other people in our group if we were not sure about something ensureing that everyone understood the task they had been given.

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