Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Planning the police interveiw scene

We have been thinking about the detective scene alot becuase we want to make it look as realistc as posible, the thing we hacve thought about so far are, the different location for the interveiw, such as the offices we could do it in, we had a look at different one including the georagphy office and mrs tanners office but came to the conclustion it would be best if we used mr michies office as it was the right size. we also planned a script for the police and the girls mother, this involved a short converstaion. We also had to plan a shot list, this involved shot reverse shots, close ups, mid shots and establishing shots.
For our location we had to make some changes to the room such as moving the table into the centre of the room and putting two chairs either side, to make it look more like a police interveiw room. there is also a filling cabnet and a telephone so the room looks more like a police room. We also have peice of card folded over that has the detectives name on it which is 'Detective Smith' from our research we founf that scenes like this usually have a name sign similar to this. All of these things help with the mis-en-scene and create a more realistic feel to the opening.

The pictures above are the images of what the room looks like. We researched some pictures of police/detective desks and most of the pictures were of desks with alot of papers on them so this is the effect we tried to create with the desk. We also found that they usually have a notebook and a pen. For the dress of the polioce man we knew that he should be dressed smart with a tie, and a jacket to ensure he looked profesional.

The shot list for this scene.

Establishing shot of the room
Mid shot of the police man, showing the name tag
Shot reverse shot of the mother, mid shot, showing name tag
Shot reverse shot to police
Shot reverse shot to mother
Shot reversshot to police
Back to mother, close up
Black screen titles

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